After Forever

Just hold the G Main Riff 
Have you ever
thought about your soul, can it be... Could you be afraid of what..
Is your mind so small that you... This riff here
----||------------------------------|| is actually
----||-----7-5----------------------|| played an oct-
-8⁄-||---------7-5---------3--------|| ave lower than
----||-5-5----------7--3-3---5-5--3-|| tabbed but that
I think it is true, it was people like you that... means you have
||----------------------------------------------------tune down to Eb
Solo, groove of off A
-------------||-----------------------------||This is not the||------
-------------||-------------------5---7-5---||actual bassline||------
-5h6----5----||---------5----5--7---7-----7-||just kinda an ||------
-----8-----8-||-7-7-5-7----7----------------||example. ||------
Outro, do main riff acuople of times followed by this

fade out...
-14-12h14-14-14-14-14-----||This songs a little tricky, after doing
--------------------------||the middle section("can you be afraid of
--------------------------||what your friends might say...")you play
----------------------5---||the vocal riff and the last time before
/=slide up ⁄=slide down the funky pre-solo you do what‘s tabbed out
h=hammer-on where it say‘s "I think it is true, it was
people like you that..."then you play the
funky pre-solo, then to the solo and go
from there.