Great Balls Of Fire (2 вариант)
G guitar tacet C7 gt
You shake my nerves and yo rattle my brain_ Too much love drives a
D7 gt
man insane.___ You broke my will, but what a thrill.
G gt G
Good - ness gra - cious, great____ balls of fire! I laughed at love
‘cause I thought it was fun - ny. You came along and moved me,
D7 C7
hon - ey. I changed my mind; this love is fine.
G gt
Good - ness gracious, great___ balls of fire!
C7 G
Kiss me ba-by, Oh, yo! It feels good.
C7 D7
Hold me ba-by. I want to love you like a lov-er should._ You‘re fine,_
so kind._ I‘m gon-na tell this world that you‘re
D7 G
mine, mine, mine, mine. I chew my nails and I twid-le my thumbs._
C7 D7
I‘m real ner-vous but it sure is fun!__ Oh, ba-by, you‘re driv-in‘ me
cra-zy. Good-ness gracious, great___balls of fi-re!
repeat last verse and enjoy!