No Trust

|(played extremly 
When Fred says, "one two one two one two WTF you gonna do?", just play 
the litle 5-4 
thingie 3 times; then end with this on guitar 
then if you want just do it as power chords from then on to make it 
sound heavier. 
____|(played extremly 
fill in 3 times during each 5-4-3 riff 
Play before every chorus starts 
|(played extremly 
fill in 3 times during each 5-4-3 riff 
INTERLUDE PART 1. Played on guitar and bass,but play the bass on the 
top string 
|-----------------| repeat many time 
INTERLUDE Part 2. The bass is just playing on note here I think. 
|3h5--| just do that a bunch and whenever needed. 
INTERLUDE Part 3. Use some effects now and then to make this sound 
different and cool. 
Like playing a dead chord everynow and then. 
That‘s about it! 
